Well, I understand worrying about writing, but if his writing is similar to the samples it looks like he's way ahead of my DS6. And his grade 1 teachers don't appear to be concerned at all.

My DS's writing is much more varied - sometimes really tiny letters, sometimes huge letters. Sometimes - and this drives me nuts - experimenting with huge bubble letters (for fun? to make the work more interesting? because he's having trouble with normal printing? I've no idea)

I also have a hard time knowing where he's at because DD10 did not have such a hard time in this area.

Re: spelling - I agree with Dude. DS had better spelling in SK. I thought the teachers must know what they were doing when I heard about 'inventive' spelling when DD was in grade 1, but now in grade 5 she still misspells words, so I don't know (mind you it's French Immersion so that probably also has an impact).