$8 seems expensive when a kid is 4 years old...wait and see what she asks for when she is a teen.
$8+ (average dish was $12) x 5 orders = over $50 for lunch. That to me is outrageously expensive for a 4 year old...or even for a grown up. I think I will just watch her eat and order a drink for myself.
Anyhow, yes, I am already dreading the teenage years when she is going to act entitled to the latest cell phone and designer shoes and handbags. Of course, I hope she doesn't turn out that way and those are not values we're trying to instill in her but at some points, we won't be able to choose her friends for her and they'll have more influences than we would.

My DD still has issue with seams and she is still rather quirky but slowly but surely, it is becoming easier to parent her. She seems less defiant but more determined - what I mean is, she isn't as rebellious anymore but she is more resourceful about getting what she wants and she definitely knows what she wants now. Anyhow, I'm glad that she isn't 3 anymore. I loved every second I spent with her of course but there were moments when I desperately needed a 24 hour break for my mental health.