DD1 passed the math portion of the school's gifted exam last year, and did 50% better than required in math and verbal for the performance area of the test. But her verbal IQ tested as very low, which is normal for bilingual children as they tend to compute more slowly, have slightly smaller vocabularies and finally have more open interpretations of questions than monolingual children. So she didn't get in, short one poitn.

Now she has been recommended for testing again. She's up to a 5th-6th grade reading comprehension level and still working a couple of grade levels ahead in math, though the math is 100% parent-led (I do not want her not learning new concepts for years so I do enrichment). That is just to say, she's hardly a prodigy, though she's smart.

Should we re-do the test? The school district has improved its testing model and has created a testing environment for kids that is less prone to "cheating" (IQ test prep) which makes me super happy. But it's two days of testing.

Ugh, so undecided. The main reason I'd like her in the program would be to force her to be challenged in school. I think she's the type of kid who will get "acceptable" no matter what the material. But it will be actual homework for her, vs. now which involves her doing math problems in 2 minutes and then spelling the same words she has spelled correctly all week. It's such a waste of time is all.

However we do benefit time-wise from not ever having to think about homework...

Last edited by binip; 10/12/14 02:16 PM.