DS9 mostly reads fiction books (HP, Percy Jackson, and a lot of "Diary of a Middle School Dork" type books). I let him get whatever he wants from the library, but *I* get a lot of non-fiction from the library and leave it out. On the couch, on the floor of the den, sometimes just leaving it in the library bag to be discovered works. (My kids are too messy to read at the table, unfortunately.) I'd say he reads, or at least looks at, maybe a quarter of what I bring home. But even if it's only a single book a week, that's a win. Since we homeschool, I will occasionally ask him to read a specific non-fiction book related to what we are currently studying (e.g. a book about Mercury when we were doing a unit study on the Solar System). He is usually quite happy to do this, even if he wouldn't have picked up the book otherwise.

Our bright spot for non-fiction has really been magazines. The kids have subscriptions to several Cricket magazines (Appleseeds, Ask, and Odyssey), Boys Life, and Ranger Rick. We parents get a number of quality magazines, including American Scientist, Smithsonian, and Science News. Mostly DS doesn't read the parent magazines, but he devours the kid magazines. And he does see me and DH reading and talking about the parent magazines, which sets a good example.