Hello. My DS4 attends PreK three days a week for 3 hours a day. His teacher had questions about social problems. Said he seems to want to engage the other kids, but doesn't know how. Social cues and whatnot. I wanted your advice.
I think it's b/c DS prefers adults and older kids to play with. He is an only child. He gets stuck in his head when he's absorbing new things, and may not want to run around. He also prefers 2 or 3 playmates at a time. He's says he is happy there but clearly bored. I'm more interested in him having fun and socializing then the educational.

Does anyone else have a gifted child(ren) that have social delays or, as I call them, quirks? Sometimes I wonder if the school tries to "fix" kids rather then work with the child as they come. Yes, My DS is quirky, a major introvert, and overwhelmed at times but he is loving, and caring, and enjoys his friends dearly.
