Reading and writing are going to become more and more intertwined as your child progresses in school. Although they may seem like two totally unrelated skills, they are, in fact closely integrated throughout many subjects in school. Not just language arts, but science, social studies, etc - students are asked to listen to lectures, watch videos, read books/etc and then relate what they understand and what they've learned through writing. If your dd has a relative weakness in written expression this is a *really* good time in her school career to be working on it - and that might mean focusing on text that is easier than she is capable of reading in order to simplify the writing process to the level she's working at. Throwing her into an advanced reading group where she can't keep up with the writing isn't going to help develop her writing skills.

I completely agree with what polarbear has said here. DS8 has to write sentences about his MATH problems. It's no longer acceptable to just solve the problem; the child must also explain WHY their answer is reasonable or correct.

If she's got handwriting issues or difficulties with grammar and writing, now is the perfect time to get that help she needs.