Thanks for your responses!

You've definitely given me a different angle to consider here: Once DD becomes comfortable with expressing herself in French we will still have to deal with the possibility of the general curriculum being too easy. I am keen on giving her exposure to a second language though and am considering enrolling her for the first couple of years as many of you suggested.

Our board has a three tiered system of Gifted Education: Differentiation, In school Enhanced Placement, and Enhanced Placement Classes. Chay, I understand where you are coming from in terms of the promises of differentiation. Her teacher is a fantastic person and I can see her trying to differentiate. However,I feel that most of these attempts at differentiation involve me after schooling - which, for the record, I don't have a problem doing.

I know she's got her hands full with a class of almost 30 kids but it would be nice if DD could learn something during the school day - she doesn't go there just so I can have a break. I don't understand why, if they recognize that she's ahead, that they don't just provide her with the correct material - just like if she was experiencing a delay in an area (which she does have a lag with fine motor) they would provide appropriate practice/work to help with the delay. Okay vent over I'm sure you all understand.

Thanks again. I'll be looking into getting her an IEP and into enrolling into Immersion.

Last edited by eyreapparent; 09/30/14 12:18 PM.