Originally Posted by Loy58
I think many here have previously opined that EM might work well for kids who are more verbal - perhaps it did not play to your DD's strengths and a different math program will be better for her. What you write is troubling - where was the instruction from teachers last year??? Your poor DD!

Your DD sounds like she has some real strengths that could help her excel in math. I think she needs a different math class.

Ironically at this point I'd prefer to go back to EM compared to what she is doing so far. Maybe once the Project M3 starts it will get better. I did have a sit down with the teacher at the beginning of this school year to tell her I was disappointed by the lack of instruction last year and she said she's definitely going to change things this year. Yet they still work on computers, self-instructed/led, like little minions. Granted we're not quite a month into the school year so perhaps she's still assessing where everyone is (it's a 2nd/3rd class so there is quite a wide range of abilities).

Dd is good at math, and she loves it when she learns it how it works for her, which is how we've been doing it at home. But as soon as she does it in school she hates it and complains about how stupid it is. I don't want her to hate math.

Last edited by mountainmom2011; 08/26/14 05:39 PM.