The short version:
How do I figure out what DS5 math level is?
Is it important to get the school to be aiming math at that level ASAP?
The long version:
I am not sure how to go about advocating for my son for math at school. DS5 is in K and going to year 1 for math. He is in the top math group in year 1, and from discussions with the school, they think he is challenged there. I am not sure exactly what he is doing, but the worksheets he brings home are very basic, and would not be challenging him.
His school subscribes to a computer program called mathletics, but he was assigned to K for it, so we don't do it at home. I decided to get a home subscription for us so I could try to get an idea how he is going in math. I have had him complete the tests for each category in year 1 math, There were 10 tests, and he has scored 87% on 2 and over 90% on the rest. I think the program is supposed to be pretty closely aligned to the syllabus. So he has 2 terms left in the year 1 math classroom, and as far as I can tell, he already knows most of what they are going to cover.
I changed his level to year 2 now, and he hasn't done any of it yet, but I had a look through, and some of it will be pretty basic for him, and some stuff he will need to learn. But he seems to pick up math very quickly, so I can't imagine it will take him a whole year to get through the year 2 material.
He had the Wiat math reasoning test earlier this year and scored grade 2.2 equivalent, and he has recently done the WJ-iii Achievement test, but I am still waiting on the results. Will the WJ-iii give a good idea of his math level?
I don't want to be pushing him through just for the sake of getting him to a higher math level, but I do want him to be learning something and feeling challenged.