Originally Posted by NotSoGifted
Sorry, I was responding to Ellipses' comment. Ivy, best of luck with whatever you do. I think I sometimes have trouble understanding what others are going through - when I mentioned that middle kid had a graduate Lexile level in 8th grade, I didn't mean to imply that she was the only kid in her school like that. She knows a number of other kids at or above her level.

The only reason we had our older two IQ tested was to get them into a combined English/Social Studies course (automatic entry if you are labeled gifted). This is the one class where the teachers can really meet the kid at his/her level. The teachers meet with each kid individually once each quarter to set writing goals. They focus on a particular aspect of their writing - could be different for every kid - and the teachers expect the writing to improve. Doesn't matter if the kid writes at grade level or at college level because each kid strives to meet their own goal. Sounds like more schools could benefit from a course like this.

FTFY wink