Originally Posted by Dude
For a summer CS activity, have you considered a home project? The best teacher is experience, and it also makes for great resume material.

Some suggestions:

- Write an iPhone game or Minecraft mod.
- Provide him your financial information (pay stubs, credit card statements, etc) and ask him to produce a data analysis on where your money is going (makes for a great lesson in microeconomics, too), and what can be done better.
- Build and secure a home server. Implement a recovery strategy (RAID, automated backups).

Great ideas, Dude! I would have never thought of having him analyze our home finances!! (I am sure he'd have some great suggestions for spending our retirement savings…)

He has done iPhone apps and Minecraft mods, and will likely think of more he wants to do. He likes to post videos of him playing Minecraft (I know its a thing, but still trying to wrap my head around it), and he recently wrote a program to automatically smoothly pan the scene being recorded past specified guide points. Dh gave a hand with the algorithm but ds programmed and debugged the whole thing!

So yeah, a steady stream of engaging projects is great for learning. But maybe combined with a little formal instruction and contact with like minded peers….