Originally Posted by Chris Lynn
We have a DS6 who loves Khan Academy. We like it since it helps to assess what he already grasps and focuses in on areas that need more attention. We also like that it isn't just math, but a platform for many other disciplines. So, since he is used to the system for math, it's easy to cross over into history and other subjects.
Last weekend my 8yo son, after using Khan Academy for math, watched a video on the Korean War
. I joined him. I'm glad he is taking an interest in history, and we both learned something.

Here is something I wonder about, though. Salman Khan has degrees in electrical engineering and computer science and an MBA. He is an amateur when it comes to history, as most of us are. Ideally there would be a free set of short history videos recorded by (or least reviewed by) historians specializing in the topics. They probably exist on the Internet, but I suspect many people view what is on Khan Academy out of convenience. So a general question, which has been discussed in the context of textbooks, is how important is it for instructional materials to be prepared by subject matter experts?