I think the first situation happens to a lot of kids. A kid is excited about something they just got, but others aren't sharing their joy. I would view it as a learning experience. As long as she got past it and enjoyed her day, I wouldn't worry.

As for the softball, this type of thing happens a lot with girls. In fact, my eldest had some softball experiences like this when she was younger. Now, I don't think that included refusing to throw with a kid because these were more competitive situations (rec ball, but she went to Little League states with a couple of these teams) where the coach wouldn't stand for that. However, she didn't really feel included in the softball clique and these kids were not nice to her.

Hopefully the coach sees what is going on and puts a stop to that behavior. We told our eldest that she didn't need to be best friends with these girls, but she needed to be respectful and polite. It took a while, but these kids finally apologized for their past behavior when they were playing HS ball. Just tell her to be polite, even if others are not. And it is okay to be a little quirky...I'm sure some of the teammates of DD18 and DD16 think they are a bit odd from time to time, but they find things in common with teammates - anything from a favorite snack to a favorite TV show - and it all works out.

Do tell her to pay attention when she is in the field - and have the kid wear a Game Face fielder's mask (or similar) when she is playing in the infield.