Originally Posted by 22B
Originally Posted by bluemagic
I give an F to any grading system that includes things like this. What are these schools thinking? Ridiculous!

What 22b said!

If mastery of the subject is demonstrated in the exams then that is all that should be needed.

I can understand the school taking a dim view of non-completed lab reports but that is it.

Sometimes I think that the high weighting on the final grade given to fluffy project work is only there because the teachers can grade it themselves (and therefore award full marks) and thus avoid being exposed as bad teachers by poor final exam/state testing results.

In the community for which my DW teaches (always within the top 100 PHS in the country) there is an ongoing parent rebellion against too much busywork style homework like projects. Having read some of the posts here I am beginning to understand why.

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