Welcome to the club smile

Show your son what he wants to. He will let you know when he had enough. We too do lots of dinner math. It got to the point when our younger one, 3 at that time, willingly finished his dinner so he could do math problems!

If you are looking for math workbooks, I suggest Singapore. We sort of used it as a general guide and will use it next year for homeschooling.

We too have lots of dreaded moments. When our older one was 4 he used to welcome people with a chapter book in his hands and then proceeded to read them a few pages. Oops. It was kind of awkward, but part of me did enjoy it wink

It got even better when he started playing geography games with adults (still at the age of 4). That one I didn't mind, the adults might have because he was by far the best.

I no longer worry about answering questions when we are out of the house. I used to but you cannot really hide it forever. If we are with people we know then chances are really good they've already figured out that DS5 is gt or they will really soon. I was surprised how many appropriate birthday presents the boys got last year. People really know even if they don't talk about it.

If we are among strangers then we speak different language (the kids are bilingual). I cannot describe the freedom it gives you wink Very handful not only with the gt questions but especially in the tough parenting situations wink Isa, Ania do you do the same thing?
