Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Originally Posted by mountainmom2011
Originally Posted by master of none
I'm not aeh, but wanted to ask about this:
"She also has issues with making friends and fitting in. Still unsure if it is related to IQ, possible aspergers, or just very introverted. At school she prefers only one on one interactions with friends/classmates, doesn't like to be watched/looked at, prefers to eat lunch alone and if others sit across from her she will turn away and face the other direction."

Wondering if you see this elsewhere and if you might want to consider adding social anxiety to your list of possibilities.

Oh yes, forgot to add that one. Anxiety and introverted are my top suspicions.

What kinds of other settings? Noisy? visually stimulating? or just socially demanding?

Don't write off sensory issues if the amount of input seems to impact the behavior.


I'll add my voice to the chorus of envy re: that WM. Wow.

She's fine at home and situations outside of home where it's just family, even if it's crowded. But once there's a group swim lessons, birthday parties, school, etc... it's a problem. When we have more than one friend over she'll play fine for about an hour and then usually goes off to be on her own.