JMO, but I'd still write a thank-you note to the teacher you can't wait to escape. Try to find something that you can thank her for. You may not *feel the love*… but leaving on a kind note never hurts - especially if you are in a school district where teachers transfer frequently and have friends in other schools or who talk amongst themselves etc. You never know where this teacher or someone she's griped to may end up someday… so overall, I just think it's a good idea to try to leave a positive thought as the year ends… even if it's nothing more than "Thanks for teaching dc this year." If there were things she did that worked, let her know what those were - you'll possibly be helping a future student in her class.

Best wishes,


ps - how does your ds feel about her? From the responses we've received, the things that teachers seemed to love the most at the end of the year were gifts from the students themselves… not that gifts from parents didn't matter. Anyway, if your ds likes to do crafty things or build things or draw etc - you could just have him make a picture or model or something like that to give her.