Recently I have struggled with finding activities to do with my DS5. It was much easier before when he was 2 or 3 and happy just coloring and/or playing with numbers and letters. Now, he wants to be in the driver seat when we play which is fine but then if he sees me doing something "better" in his mind than him, then he throws a big tantrum and doesn't want to draw or build or whatever we are doing. Then, I feel frustrated because I am busy and have a 1 1/2 year old to take care of too and is trying hard to carve out sometime to play with him.

My DS5 is very hard on himself and feels embarrassed easily. He doesn't have the proper tools to regulate these feelings. So instead, he lashes out on me verbally or gets physical and throw things and screams.

Does anyone have experience with this? Does it get easier or does the child learn to deal with these emotions better as they get older?

I have tried getting him to calm down by sending him to his room, trying deep breathing, telling him it's ok to make mistakes that I make mistakes and that nobody is perfect. I try to get him to laugh. But it seems like when he's in that moment, he's stuck and can't shake it off no matter what I say or do. I do feel helpless and although I try not to react to him sometimes I can't help being pulled into his anger and frustration and instead of trying to help him I end up getting frustrated and angry at him too.

Ahhh...deep sign. Help!