Sorry, we don't have more specifics, but you might want to cyber or home school until your gifted student is mature enough to be in classes without drawing negative attention from students and teachers and admin. That would give you a chance to evaluate your student at home and discern strengths and weaknesses for yourself and that additional info. might tell you (and your instincts) exactly what your child needs next. I think Laura V. (associated with Davidson) might know about New York. Check the regional part of this website, too. Good Luck. Sounds like you are right on top of it. That is great. Also, don't let anyone make you feel bad about the fidgeting. I think there are studies to show it is an indication of an active, smart brain and that you can actually burn calories with all of the fidgeting. Hopefully, there will be better understanding of gifted kids soon. We should probably all try to inform people as much as we can. Hang in there.