When you go to a neighborhood public school that is highly ranked (one of the best in the country based on test scores), but your kid isn't learning and is unhappy, how to you calibrate that in your mind?
When everyone loves the school, but you. How do you have it all make sense in your head. Is something wrong with your child, other people, education, etc.?
We're in a situation like this. I remind myself that for most people, the school is a wonderful fit for their kids, which would make naturally them happy. So that's one thing.
HG+ kids are rare and often don't fit the picture of "gifted" that a school may have (high-achiever, teacher pleaser). So from the school's perspective, my kid's not gifted and we parental units are big pains. That educators don't know about levels of giftedness in their own field is their failing, of course.
As rare as HG+ kids are, so are parents who can see that a curriculum (or parts of it) really
isn't up to par. IMO, this is a huge problem in the United States (no idea about elsewhere). If people have never been taught mathematics properly, they don't know what's wrong with presenting a recipe, assigning a worksheet, and moving on to the next recipe. Ditto for reading a passage and answering some multiple choice questions asking
Which statement best describes...? The thing is that, schools and most of the parents
really truly don't see that this approach is a problem.

In answer to your question, I gave up trying. There's no point, and others just get angry at me. Though finding other gifties can help with stress.