Good to know. I'm happy to see this bumped because I am at my wits' end over here! DS6 recently flew through the first three Harry Potters (I stopped him there due to the sensitivity concerns). Seeing how easily he went through those, I got him some significantly harder library books next, such as this one:, apparently he found them too slow/hard/boring. So what was his bizarre reaction? He decided that because that was too hard, he had to go back to reading picture books. He told me he felt like he must not be ready for hard books and so he needed to read "little kid" books again. I found him dutifully paging through The Snowy Day, etc. When I kindly said that we all enjoy reading old favorites sometimes and maybe that made him feel good, he freaked out and indicated that no, it was some kind of self-flagellation maneuver.

Ai yi yi yi yi!!! But then when I suggested that maybe if he found the ones I had chosen boring/hard, it would be good to switch back to the Beast Quest/Droon type books he had been eating like candy, he said "No, I read those too fast."
He has now retreated to Garfield and comic books.
What in the hell just happened? Never have run into anything like this with DD10, but DS is much more sensitive to expectations and has more fear of failure.