You know what's ironic. I am angry but not that angry - you know why? And this is pathetic. Usually he is humiliated by teachers and paras for his disabilities. I am actually relieved she didn't make fun of him based on his disabilities... weird, huh? But this teacher ... man, what beyotch. Every chance she gets she tries to pull him down. He told her that he had practiced counting money and figuring out how much things cost all last summer (yeah, well he likes to go on amazon and shop for toys - he compares prices and then presents his case to DH and I LOL And the boardwalk at the beach had tons of lessons in money as well!) - you'd think she could have used him as an example to say "see - if you practice you'll master this skill too class- DS practiced and knows ways to make learning money fun and easy ...." or something that recognized his ambition and hard work (it's not like he said "I was just born brilliant, you bunch of dumb-butts - he admitted that he had worked at it). I don't know something more like that, rather than what she did. Ugh.

Last edited by Irena; 05/14/14 02:56 PM.