Originally Posted by Quantum2003
Wow! I don't think that I would have had the patience to monitor my kids at the younger ages (5 and under) so did not bother starting them that early. As it was, I sometimes find it taxing to provide instruction during some of their practices but fortunately the need to weigh in (or even pay attention) during their practices diminished as they gained skill.

They wanted to start. Even little Dylan now will always take out his violin when I take out mine (I started after Aiden did - I always wanted to learn the violin!)

It's not so much patience as much as it is the Suzuki methodology. It fits me, us, what I believe about education and learning so it feels right for me.

Aiden hardly needs my input now - occasionally I will say something as I walk past, or yell a reminder from a distance. Nathan is starting to practice on his own, but I like to be there to ensure that no bad habits are slipping in. And for Dylan, well it's really about 4 - 5 minutes, and it's totally fun too.

And I know as they surge ahead they will need my input less and less. And that's great too smile

For me, the point is to get them to enjoy/choose practicing regularly in a meaningful way. This seems to be the best, and least stressful, way of achieving that.

Last edited by Madoosa; 05/11/14 01:01 PM.

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)