I just have to say I was extremely bummed to see my 7 year old score so low. That week of testing was awful for him. He had missed 3 days of school from high fever then they yard to squeeze in all the testing to finish up before their deadline. I can't help but wonder if this had affected te scores. He has always been praised with high reading and writing abilities. His cogat and GrAde test scores were all in the 7-8-9 staine. His Map test scores showed the Same 98 % ranges.
Yes, I expect it did affect him; hard to say how much. In future, it may help to know that the deadlines for them to finish testing are usually there to protect your parental rights on behalf of your child. Therefore, if you choose to give them more time (in writing) to complete the evaluation, you can do so. Unless this is an issue of making the deadline for gifted program selection, in which case they would also have to agree to bend those.
Just have to mention that a stanine of 7 is the
79-88th %ile, which is equivalent to a standard score of
112-118, and a stanine of 8 is the
90-96th %ile, which is a standard score of
119-126, so it is possible that his group achievement testing is actually consistent with his WJIII achievement, depending on which scores were in which stanine.
Thank you for everything. I checked his cogat scores again...
Verbal - 130 stanine- 9
Quantitative-131 staine- 9
Nonverbal- 123 staine- 8
Composite- 133 staine- 9
Ability profile was 9A
His GRADE (group reading assesment and diagnostic evaluations)
Word reading and sentence comprehension: stanine-9
Vocab composite, word meaning, comprehension composite: stanine 8
Passage comprehension: stanine 7
Listening comprehension: stanine 5
Overall total test: stanine 8
I edited my stanine conversion figures above, as I double checked the charts and I was a little off.
In any case, wrt the CogATs: Keep in mind the motor speed requirements are substantially less than for the written parts of the WJIII (just bubbling), so any relative weaknesses in motor speed would not be figured into the composites. Group administered tests are usually not as accurate as individual, but even so, the composite seems right in line with the WJ GIA.
With the GRADE: again, this is an at-risk screening measure designed for repeated monitoring of progress, in order to catch the lower performing students before they fall too far behind. It is not really designed to spread the high performers.
That being said, his score profile is not totally unlike his WJIIIACH results. It breaks things down a little more, so that you can see that his reading comprehension is better when things are shorter, and that he comprehends better when he has something to look at and reference than when he has to rely solely on listening (may be related to the working memory relative weaknesses that may be present, if we are to believe the WJIIICOG results). This also matches up to the verbal comp results on the WJIIICOG, as that is entirely oral in administration, so that, even though the item presentations are not long, they do require him to spend some of his mental processing power on remembering, rather than actual language comprehension.
You are very welcome. If at any point you don't feel comfortable discussing any of your children's info in a public forum, feel free to PM me.