Originally Posted by Questions202
For those of you with children who aren't in college, perhaps talk to the school about offering grading software. I have software on my ipad that allows me to link to websites and leave verbal notes. It saves time and can encourage teachers to grade papers more completely. If your children are in college, encourage your school to use fewer adjuncts and hire more full-time employees.
This is one of the reasons I'm paying for private college for my DD. Her writing classes had less 12 students and the teachers actually gave her real feedback. I understand how hard it is for a high school teacher who teacher 5 classes with 40 kids per class. About 10 years ago the school hired graders but they don't gave the budget for it anymore. It's just frustrating because this isn't a good way to teach kids to write and it comes out as a big shock the first time a teacher really gives them good feedback.

Last edited by bluemagic; 05/02/14 12:32 PM.