Do you have the opportunity to visit each school? Has your child shadowed? Have you read the policy/practice statements for each school (often found on the school website)? What does the formal G&T program consist of (once a week 30-minute pull out... teaching capped at grade level ahead... or matching the curriculum/pacing to the child?) Does each school have students with a similar intellectual profile to your child? Have you had the opportunity to ask questions? Chapter 14 of the book A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children discusses Finding a Good Educational Fit. Included is a Table of Questions more important than "Is my child in a gifted program?", by Dr. Donald Treffinger.

That being said, as you mentioned, so much comes down to the teacher and his/her willingness to work with a child at their level.

LOL, after conducting careful research, all things being equal I'd probably pick the school nearby and save 1-1/2 hours each day (7.5 hours per week, 30 hours per month, 270 hours per school year) plus the gas money. Then I'd play with kiddo, chat about the day, and do other fun things!