Our school is ranked very high in the state, I have to say that it's a pretty low bar here, too. From what I've observed and learned through friends, I think our district is more focused on keeping high-achieving upper middle class kids from fleeing to private than it is on actually serving the gifted population. There are other districts nearby that do a much better job of serving the gifted. OK, there's one. That said, I still think our school is a viable choice given the cost savings and very little actual curriculum difference over private.

I became involved through the PTA. It may seem to some that bake sales are not the best way to directly influence educational practices, but over time it's given me access to teachers, to the administration and even to a school board member who is a former member of our PTA. Because of my work for the PTA I was invited to volunteer directly for the school, which has led to even more access and communication opportunities.

I'd like to get more involved at the district level, as we are in a very large district, and pretty much all policy is made on that level, and am still working on getting more access there.

I think there are many avenues that work, this just happens to be the route that opened up for me, so I'm following it.

Good luck to you!