Okay-- that is helpful information, actually.
1. Why won't your school administration go to bat with you at the local college? It seems like THEY are the ones that need to be doing some of the asking here-- you are being referred back on the basis of age, and the school where she attends is partially responsible for supplying (at least) documentation which reflects her need for advanced instruction, yes?
2. Coursera/EdX? Might give you both an idea of whether this will work well-- much of that would play to your DD's strengths.
3. Given what you've stated about your DD's profile, I suspect that she may score better on the ACT than the SAT. How
fast does she read? ACT has more pressure on speed, but the science section is more about reading and general understanding of how science works than specific facts.
alone may not get you local access in higher ed. But I agree that it's worth a shot.