My daughter is 4 and will be entering Kindergarten in the fall. She currently attends a Montessori school, which she will probably stay at until 1st grade (our local school district is only half day K).

I am not keen on putting her in our public school district for 1st grade. Since none of the schools in our district have made AYP, I thought I could transfer her to a different district. I contacted the Superintendent's office, and they told me none of the neighboring districts would accept students from our district, plus most of the schools there have not made AYP either (I realize that doesn't necessarily matter for GT programs).

I've seen comments from other people on this forum that say they've put their children in a different public district that has a better GT program, but I am curious as to how that was done. Is there a way to get her into a different public school without moving? Are my only options our public district, or private school (I work, so homeschooling isn't an option)? Thank you for any assistance you can offer!