Originally Posted by 22B
Originally Posted by Mana
WJ comes with a scoring program. You plug in the raw scores and the software calculates the scores. I know the numbers look odd but they are not due to calculation errors - unless your tester decided to calculate scores manually, which would be a very strange thing to do.

Regardless, it is essentially impossible for the Reading numbers in the OP to be correct. Something has gone wrong somewhere.

Why do you think it's impossible to get the reading #s posted above, without seeing the raw scores and without having the computation formula? How do you think they are being calculated?

Sorry, not trying to be picky, just curious what your thought process is in saying they can't be correct. The reason I mentioned my ds' report is that his Broad #s also look odd if you are only looking at the part of the report that lists SS vs percentile. I'm fairly certain the Broad Total # isn't calculated from the subtest standard scores, but rather from a combination of the raw scores and then it's compared to the norm group to come up with a Broad Standard Score... which is why you need to look at the full report, and why the relative values of SS #s might seem odd when you first look at them.


ps - if I'm wrong about how the scores are calculated, please let me know. I don't want to spread any misinformation!