That's so funny Lovemydd. My DD took one look at page 49 and its corresponding cutouts today and said "No, Mommy. This is completely POINTLESS." I wanted to giggle but I told her that I agree that that page had nothing to do with math and as she already cuts and pastes well enough, she didn't have to do it.

I'm getting her a set of golden beads for her birthday along with a few other things and they'd most likely end up as theatrical properties for her pixie dust shop, bakery, and book store. I got her these a while ago and they have become her favorite open-ended toys along with blue plastic place value blocks: s

Sometimes, she uses them as money, other times she uses them as pixie dust ingredients or as cookies and cakes.

It's little weird that she is very much a 3 year old girl and a budding mathematician at the same time. I'm slowly getting used to it. smile