With DS we knew he was smart but thought it was in the range of "all parents think their kids are smart". Kindergarten was a disaster but everything new with him is so we waited (in hind sight we should have known). In October of Grade 1 the teacher told us to test him for ADHD-I. Like many have said above, he was a different kid at home than he was at school. We tested and he came out gifted/likely LD. He was not totally cooperative for testing and his scores were all over the place. We will retest sometime soon to hopefully get a better picture if it is a real LD or if it was just him being super asynchronous and maybe get a more accurate score to help make some educational choices. Testing was invaluable in his case.
DD is 5 and we're waiting until she is 6 to take the WISC-IV. School is going well even though she isn't learning much. She just loves the social side of things and her school is very much play based so it is working. Her teachers have already made comments and are differentiating as much as they can even without testing.
Last edited by chay; 04/15/14 04:27 PM.