Thank you everyone. This was very helpful.
I wrote an email to the teacher and asked for her input. I mentioned that DD's mind rushes and she may not be up for the task of trying to explain math well and it could be a negative outcome.

I also talked to DD and explained this was not a playdate. They would have an hour only because the girl had ballet and they were expected to work on math the whole time.

BTW, this talk happened after I picked her up from the school bus and we were walking the dog on the beach on a beautiful day, so she had to balance the idea of sitting and helping someone with math instead.

I suggested that she try and do some tutoring on Mon during school and see how that went and then she could decide about Tues.

Then, I just get this email from the parent asking if Sunday plans change could we fit in a session? We have a playdate tomorrow starting at 12:30, for the afternoon and then we have a dinner party and Sunday she has a horse back riding lesson plus we have to hit Costco and then we see the Chinese tutor. Not fitting this in. I am not close to being altruistic to fit it in. And we have to walk the dog along the beach for an hour or so. Sorry but I got irked by the email and regretting agreeing to one session.

Anyway, I think between the Monday at school attempt and the teacher interceding, I have a feeling it won't be happening.

Again, thanks. input was excellent.