I agree with this post. I'm sorry I didn't realize you were in another country, which can make a big difference in how schools and institutions handle it.

For social needs, there are excellent websites and Apps
are specific for social skills. Here are some good places to go (as I'm on my phone and not on my computer w bookmarks):

1. The social thinking program by Michelle winner Garcia has helped my 2 boys: www.social thinking.com where there are materials for different ages. Cartoonish "SuperFlex" for younger children, "thinking about you thinking about me" for older individuals that talks about expected and unexpected behaviors that other people react to.

2. Social skills apps for phones, iPads, tablets can be found on the Autism Speaks website, as well as the VCU site for 2E students w various disabilities including social and executive function skills (organizing, time mgmt, planning, etc.)
3. Apps and software programs listed on the www.NCLD.org website

When I get home, I'll look for my list of social apps to share. In person Applied Behavioral Approaches (ABA) specialists can help a great deal and coach your child and incorporate positive rewards.
