I practically hugged the teacher, couldn't believe it. I'm wondering what I'm missing because it seems almost two good to be true.

Seems exactly as good as it should be for all kids; it's really what schools should be about.
Exactly! The last year has been somewhat of a nightmare with my having to remove DD's younger brother from her toxic school, and DD was stuck there. Her teacher at least isn't hostile but the overall school environment is just no good for either gifted or special needs (or worse yet 2e). So anything where people actually sound reasonable and nice really shocks me, like it just can't be possible. DS's new IEP manager and teacher for first grade told me that they need to build off DS's strengths (he's also 2e) and I about fell out of my chair. The teacher told me she asked for a day off from teaching and for the class to have a sub because she wanted to do academic testing on him and needed a whole day. I thought she was kidding but she showed me a huge pile and she wasn't. After reading this forum for so long and all the bad experiences of people I had pretty much given up. But there are good teachers out there.
Anyway, DD does know the multiplication and division facts but definitely needs to brush up and get faster so that's one thing I will be doing with her.