I can tell you what my older son was tested for when he had sensory issues at 2-3 yrs. of age. Fragile X. He was delayed socially. Sensory seeking. Language impaired. He talked but was not understood. Non compliant,avoided age appropriate tasks,etc.
Everything came back fine. He was speach imapired enough to get into local school special needs prek. Speech and social incressed 100%. His last year in prek sensory issues at home were gone. No more sensory issues. No more tantrums, no more delay. He is in 2nd. grade doing above average work, though not gifted.
My younger child had had no speach delay, walked and talked early, was not sensory seeking and was DX at 2 1/2 with ASD. Or what would have been aspergers before DSM 5 was published.He is 2E, 142 IQ. His only sensory issue is loud noises. He is going into grade 1 and is mostly indistingushable from peers, except for his academic abilities he displays and ear covering at loud noises.
Opted to not do genetic testing on him since older son had it and all was fine. School eval back then suggested we get Sensory Processing DX on our own, but we choose not to. The school district here considers SPD part of the Autism spectrum.