Hm, I responded to earlier posters questions but it has yet to post.

Does your child enjoy his current school? Yes, very much.
Is he having behavior problems of any sort? No. None.

Do you have just the one DS? No, we have a DD1 as well.
Unless you really just hate Florida and want to make a change, then maybe? Frankly, we dislike our city but found that other G options in the surrounding areas were far less promising. So we are here for the education, and general proximity to family.

Something I ought to have explained in the original post is that DS5 is in Pre-K now, and his current school, though wonderful, is private. We had always planned to migrate to a public school when he became eligible. We have gotten in to our first choice school, which is great, but received test scores after we made the decision. His current Montessori school cannot take him next year - they are full with a long wait list. Had I to do it all over again, I would keep him there. Long story short, change is going to happen, no matter what.