Did not even think to be present for any such testing, but just assumed it had to be without any influence from the family (completely independent), especially since the school seemed more likely to view parents as pushy rather than perceptive. To this day, no one from the school has ever said anything close to good catch, or thank you for bringing it to our attention, or thank you for advocating for the student. Also, I would not want anyone to be able to say or give even the perception of impropriety. As it was, the school never offered to have us or mentioned it was a possibility, so we got the indication we were not invited. Honestly, if it were not for the best interests of our child, some of the school personnel were the last people I would ever choose to join this topic discussion. It feels like a touchy, sensitive, not popular and maybe politically incorrect topic. Glad to hear that so many parents felt comfortable being there or nearby because it may have made the student feel more comfortable which is such a nice approach and probably the way it should be. Thanks for sharing.