We're glad we had DD tested. It was useful for us in understanding her education needs and useful for her (because she thought she was stupid because school made no sense to her whatsoever -- learning that bored >< stupid was really helpful for her). It also gave us the courage to attempt to get her what she needed, even though it didn't affect the outcome.

See, no teacher or principal, at either of her public schools, ever cared one tiny little bit. Most didn't bother to read the test report even when I provided it. The ones who were creative and flexible didn't care (though they were easier to deal with). The ones who were rigid and repressive didn't care. When she was doing great they didn't care. When she was struggling they didn't care.

It wasn't just that they were skeptical (though some of them obviously were -- and in these cases providing the data made things worse), but that they didn't seem to think it was relevant. And this, more than anything else, is what caused us to pull her. I'd have been more sympathetic if they at least acknowledged her intelligence, even if they felt they couldn't do anything about it. But over and over they reinforced the idea that being PG affected her education the same way that hair color does... that is, not at all.