Thank you, both for your support.
This may open up the door to discussion with ds to see if he wants to look into asking for extra time on tests, etc.
I've been carefully examining this issue in my head for months now. Because ds is a perfectionist by nature and also has a tendency to focus on the negative, I've been wary of looking into why he freezes during timed tests, why he's a slow and careful thinker, why he expresses himself better verbally or typing than he does handwriting, why he was late in managing fine motor skills. The last time I gently brought it up, asked him if he'd like to check into things that might help, he became anxious and absolutely declined.
So...a part of me says we're being negligent by overlooking he may have certain challenges and this may end up hurting when it counts the most: in high school. And a part of me says don't draw attention to the struggles, because ds will focus on that, and his self-esteem will suffer. A part of me thinks he'll cultivate his strengths to mitigate his weaknesses, as we all do to some extent and that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
lus there's the very real fact that he's doing very well grade wise in middle school despite having skipped a grade. (Though he's really not being asked to do very much it seems.)