I don't know of any gifted online programs in the sense of complete curricula. However, there are lots of online classes for gifted kids. There are several different providers, and you can patch together learning opportunities that work for your child. The Johns Hopkins Ctr. for Talented Youth does, I believe, admit students from all over the world. They have extensive online classes. They are expensive, but many of them are excellent. Be aware that they sometimes use canned curricula that others have developed. In my opinion, it is not worth paying the CTY prices for these. However, their individually developed classes can be excellent.

Gifted homeschoolers forum offers online classes. So does onlineG3.com, and Athena's Advanced Academy. None of these provide credit, but that may not be an issue for you for a while in any case. There is a more complete list of online classes available at hoagiesgifted.com.

Given that your daughter is only eight, my last suggestion would be that you consider doing some interest let learning, at least in a subject or two. Homeschooling is such a wonderful opportunity to go at the pace and according to the interests of the learner. When my kids without age, they each got to pick a period in history or a country that they were interested in. We read the mythology from that time or place, we cooked recipes from there, we read books and watch two documentaries, and did crafts. Science can also lend itself to this kind of learning.

Good luck!