Originally Posted by puffin
Is finishing high school really such a big deal over there? I would have a family dinner and buy her a present that will be useful in college.

I guess it depends, but at my high school and the high school my daughter will attend, yes, it is a very big deal, and one worth celebrating, for parents and kids.

There are picnics and parties and dances and a non-denominational service for all who choose to attend. Neighborhoods have banners printed listing the names of the graduates.

HK, here it seems like many people hire photographers to do a senior portrait and it is usually outside rather than in a studio.

I think she would be fine at the party--when I was a 14 yr. old freshman in high school a few of my good friends were 18 yr old seniors--we were at social events together and there were never any issues. (Now when I was 18, and one of them was 22...but that doesn't apply here!)