I don't know anyone who has opted out. However, it sounds like a good idea in your ds's case.

I've done what I could to minimize the affect of the craziness around the state tests. For instance, I've downplayed their importance. (Though, now in our state, they've become high stakes--they affect teachers' job security and kids who don't pass the 3rd grade reading EOG do not get promoted to 4th grade.) And I've kept ds home during the pep rally before the testing after the first one he experienced completely undid all the de-stressing I'd accomplished.

I will say that though ds doesn't like timed tests, they give plenty of time for the tests and he's never run out of time. However, it's a long test to endure (and now they have several) and with your ds's disabilities it could be painful.

And just to add to Kai's post, in our state the test scores are used to select kids for Duke Tip and the gifted program if they haven't already been identified.

Last edited by KADmom; 01/01/14 09:23 AM.