Originally Posted by Curley
DS was tested with WPSSI at 5, FSIQ of 142. We've had him retested now at 9, with the WISC IV and the FSIQ has gone down to 135. I have no idea if 7 pts is considered "significant," and if so, what it means.

Also - the subtests on the Perceptual Section varied so much it was jarring. Block Design and Picture Concepts were both 11 (63%tile), while Matrix was 16 (98%tile).

Verbal - 142; Perceptual 117; Working Memory 138, Processing Speed 115. That's a 27 point spread - which I'm SURE must be significant... right? or no?

My question is, when we have a follow-up conference call to discuss these results, what do I need to ask? Are we talking about a 2E kid here? We have never seen a test with this degree of variation, but I guess it would explain some things...

Anyone have any experience with this?
You may get the answers you need after talking to tester. As for the spread between VCI and PRI, there was a spread between our ds's as well. It didn't concern the tester.
And regarding the lower score, I've read that it's both harder for an older child to score higher on the WISC and that it's harder to score as high on the WISC IV than it was on the WISC III. For instance, the kids who scored 130 on the WISC III were scoring 125 on the WISC IV. I'll find the link with that info when I'm not on a mobile.

Last edited by KADmom; 12/23/13 12:08 PM.