As my kids have spent more time in PS, I've found that there *are* oodles of parents in the suburb type districts convinced their kids are geniuses and the school district has encountered a lot more of those kids and parents than PG kids (just because of the relative rarity of such kids).
This has been my experience too. Many, many parents are convinced their children are exceptionally smart so the school district has had to deal with this many more times than with actual PG kids. I guess it makes the schools somewhat jaded.
...a full grade skip of K isn't the only way to handle an HG kid in schools. Some stay at grade level with good teachers who differentiate, and some have happy times in K and skip later, and some get decent subject acceleration or other methods (ALEKS for math on computer in the classroom) that all works out. Even if the school sees the numbers you expect, meets your kid and still says no, it doesn't mean it will be a disaster.
I just wanted to agree with this. There are several others here with PG kids who have made public schools work great for them. So don't lose hope yet!!!