Unfortunately, the timing of all of this means that DD absolutely cannot afford NOT to apply to three or four other schools, as inconvenient as that would be for us as a family. The Honors College at {state uni} is one thing, but gen-pop at this institution is quite another. The stats on the "average" student there put DD in the top 1-2% of students at the institution, in spite of her age... No way.
Lovely. Well, I guess I wasn't doing anything much with that spare thousand bucks for application fees and score requests... not to mention every weekend until March.

DD has placed a distress call to her summer internship mentor (the one who is primary author on the paper DD's an author on), who responded (even on a Saturday) to express her desire to help and offer to meet with her (and me) on Monday morning first thing-- when office staff will be in place and she can make things happen.

This is VERY good news.