Sweetie and 22B, thank you for the advice. I think that DS would have no issue making new friends and would even really enjoy the adventure of it all. But I just worry about missing the old routine, the old friends. I'm sure that it will all work out though.

"I can see why you've lost patience for this school. Following their line of logic, every child that is operating below grade level taught by the school is evidence that THEIR teaching is not working. There should be reports on % of students operating below grade level online if you want to go that route."

Thanks for that feedback. We've been advocating for a year now. I could write a book about all the craziness we've experienced with this school - as so many of you could too. The real issues are: they don't have a clue about gifted children let alone PG children (even after having multiple consultations with DYS people and our tester who specializes in G and 2E), there is active animosity towards gifted children and their families (we are the school who has the board of ed members who refer to gifted children as "little geniuses" and think they should just go elsewhere), there is no money in the budget to do anything meaningful for gifted children (they are just barely paying the rent at our school). So, I'm not surprised at the outcome. I am, however, very angry that they have strung us along meeting after meeting with empty promises and even have passively resisted making DS's acceleration work. (The kicker is that his math grades are almost 100% even with a few homeworks missing).

Last edited by somewhereonearth; 12/07/13 12:14 PM.