Dear willa,
When I read to Siya I am very animated. Siya has picked that up already...and she is a great actor in the making. she never misses the details in the books...loves the mouse... Infact she loves looking at every page like it were a painting...she loves paintings and stares at them making her own stories.
Most of the books I have ordered are from Actually our house is in gurgaon...but unfortunately our base is Hisar and she cant school in Gurgaon...yet I would be happy to know about your cousins experience and school details...
I'll try the legos suggestion out this week...I hope it works...
I have web access 24/7...a printer too...I do print stuff from the net...she loves sticker books these days...can stick all day...we also find pictures from the newspaper...make a story and stick them in a book.