Originally Posted by Nutmeg
Originally Posted by rac
Why would you want to take this one snapshot (test) as an indication of your kid's abilities, rather than the everyday picture she presents to you? Why would you want to have her tested privately? To place her in a gifted class? It may or may not be an accurate test (your description of her sounds does not sound incompatible with an "average IQ" kid, especially if she is in a stimulating environment). Unless there are concerns (choice of classroom, school, red flags regarding disabilities etc.) I simply don't see why this number matters...

why does everyone think I want her placed in the gifted program???? I just don't think she is a kid of "average IQ" and thought she would score in the "brighter spectrum". My initial question was whether anyone had a child the scored substantially lower on the OLSAT than an individually administered IQ test.

Wish I had never posted this...


Dude and I are clearly enjoying the conversation, so it's definitely in the "win" column.