You didn't feel better about it because you hoped the teacher was going to say it wasn't true that she got cross with your DD, or was going to apologise for it and say she'd try to react differently in future, or what? Not sure I'm understanding.

DS had a teacher the year he turned 6 whose style I didn't really approve of and of whom he was scared to start with - she would explode without warning when behaviour was bad, which he found very hard to cope with. He still prefers the teachers whose discipline style is to be utterly predictable, but this teacher was brilliant for him in other ways, and they came to an accommodation. Reading your report of the conversation between this teacher and your DD, I was reminded of that.

Even if there isn't SAD in the equation, at this time of the year young children can get very tired, IME. Might be worth thinking about whether there's scope for taking it easier in the evenings and weekends?

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